About InterMyth

InterMyth is here to guide you in the middle of your own story - you’ve heard the call to adventure to create in the pop culture space, but in every hero’s journey, you may need some allies to cross your latest thresholds and solve your next trial. 

We’re a passionate network of content creators, subject matter experts, and friends - ready to brave the newest challenge alongside you. 

Mission Statement

We build tailored strategies for pop culture content creation, live events, and brand management, empowering clients with the skills to succeed in any space where they feel a calling. 

Vision Statement

To bring the clients-to-friends trope to life, resulting in a better future for creators who feel marginalized or overlooked. By helping you achieve your own goals, we hope to rely on your earned wisdom to help others in the future. 


Content Creation Services

Assessment of Client Needs; Concept Development; Best Practices & Solutions for Common Issues

Live Event Logistics

Documentation Submission; Day-Of Logistics; Pre- and Post-Event Management

Networking Opportunities

Access to Special Event Invites; Volunteerism with Direct Community Benefit

Brand Management

Consistent Aesthetic Planning; Social Media Suggestions; Marketing Evaluations

Contact Us

Jason Patrick Galit (JPG)

Chief Generalist Consultant 

